Gentle ways to deal with insects in your home

With summer approaching, more insects will find their way into our homes. How can we get rid of them without using harmful chemicals? Here are some great suggestions:
A mixture of unsweetened lemon juice and water can deter spiders. Spray the solution near doorways and window sills where these arachnoids can enter.
An equal mixture of vinegar and water is an effective deterrent for a variety of crawling insects, particularly ants. Spray the solution on floors and countertops that are close to these creatures' food sources.
A fake wasp nest can deter real wasps from building a nest on your property. You can usually pick one of these up at a home improvement store.
You can control slugs in the garden placing plastic bottle caps of beer, buried so that the top is even with the ground. The slugs are attracted to the scent, so they crawl in and the alcohol kills them.
Experts recommend that you test any surface you plan to use to make sure it doesn't stain or otherwise harm the surface.